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1.  Select your language or country's flag below:

Brasileiro Bulgarian (CP 1251) Czech/ceski (CP 1250) Croatian/hrvatski (CP 1250) Danske Deutsch
Espanol Finnish Français Greek/Aëëçíéeüo Hungarian/Magyar (CP 1250) Íslenska
Japanese (Shift JIS) Nederlands Norsk Polish/polski (CP 1250) Portuguese
Russian/?ónneeé (CP 1251) Serbian/srpski (Latin) Slovenian/slovenski (CP 1250) Svensk Welsh/'n Cymraeg

Note:  After translation appears, please place and hold your mouse cursor over the down arrow image (alternative translations will appear here...) in order to see alternative translations.

2. Select from our four (4) sites:

Note:  If you have difficulty in getting the above service to work, please try the web page translation service at Babelfish.

The Evolution of Truth

The Evolution of Truth - A look at evidences of intelligent design in the world around us and how our understanding of the truth in science and about life is constantly evolving.

Snapshots of God - A cynical agnostic goes on an unexpected spiritual journey and brings back photos and stories from his trip.  Share in a collection of insights and experiences gained in coming to know God.

The Phi Nest:  A source to the golden section, Divine proportion, Fibonacci series and phi

The Phi Nest - You know pi, or p, as 3.14159..., but do you know phi, or f? Come see some of the 'phi-nest' information on the Golden Section, Divine Proportion, Fibonacci series and the mysterious number, 1.6180339...,  called "phi."

Solar Geometry - Presenting a case for Intelligent design of the solar system.

Each of these sites contains many other links and resources, designed to help you to see God in the universe around you and to find Him within you.

Note:  Translations provided by InterTran from Translation Experts Limited.  The Evolution of Truth offers this as a free service and is not responsible for the accuracy of the translations.

Copyright 1997-2002, The Evolution of Truth