Phi in the Bible
Although perhaps not immediately obvious, phi and the golden section
also appear in the Bible.
The Ark of the Covenant is a Golden Rectangle

In Exodus 25:10, God commands Moses to build the Ark
of the Covenant, in which to hold His Covenant with the Israelites,
the Ten Commandments, saying,
"Have them make a chest of acacia wood-
two and
a half cubits long,
a cubit and a half wide,
and a cubit and a half
The ratio of 2.5 to 1.5 is 1.666..., which is as close
to phi (1.618...) as you can come with such simple numbers and is
certainly not visibly
different to the eye. The Ark of the Covenant is
thus constructed using the Golden Section, or Divine Proportion.
This ratio is also the same as 5 to 3,
numbers from the Fibonacci series.
Note: A cubit is the measure of the forearm below the elbow.
Noah's Ark uses a Golden Rectangle
In Genesis 6:15, God commands Noah to build an ark saying,
"And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the
ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the
height of it thirty cubits."
Thus the end of the ark, at 50 by 30 cubits, is also in the
ratio of 5 to 3, or 1.666..., again a close approximation of phi not visibly
different to the naked eye. Noah's ark was built in the same
proportion as ten arks of the covenant placed side by side.

The Number 666 is related to Phi

Revelations 13:18, speaking of the Anti-Christ, says the following:
"This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him
calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man's number. His
number is 666."
This beast, the Anti-Christ, is thus related to
the number 666, one of the greatest mysteries of
the Bible.
Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666º,
you get -0.80901699, which is one-half of negative phi, or perhaps
what one might call the "anti-phi."
The trigonometric relationship of sin 666º to phi is based on an isosceles
triangle with a base of phi and sides of 1. When this
triangle is enclosed in a circle with a radius of 1, we see that the
lower line, which has an angle of 306º on the first rotation and 666º
on the second rotation, has a sine equal to one-half negative phi.
In this we see the unity of phi divided into positive and
negative, analogous perhaps to light and darkness or good and evil.
Could this "sine" be a
"sign" as well? Phi appears throughout
creation, and in every physical proportion
of the human body. In that sense it is the number of all
mankind, but Revelations seems to tell us that 666 is the number of
one man, a mystery indeed. |
Insights on the Ark of the Covenant and 666 contributed by