Beauty and the Divine Proportion
The blue line defines a perfect square of the pupils and outside
corners of the mouth. The golden section of these four blue
lines defines the nose, the tip of the nose, the inside of the nostrils, the two rises of
the upper lip and the inner points of the ear. The blue line
also defines the distance from the upper lip to the bottom of the chin.
The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line, defines the width of the nose, the distance between the
eyes and eye brows and the distance from the pupils to the tip of the nose.
The green line, a golden section of the yellow line defines the width of the eye, the distance at the pupil
from the eye lash to the eye brow and the distance between the nostrils.
The magenta line, a golden section of the green
line, defines the distance from the upper lip to the bottom of the nose and several
dimensions of the eye. |