Energy as Radiation and Vibrations
Unusual signals at Ø Hertz are being received on Earth
(Extremely Low Frequency Research And Development), a self-funded research
organization which tracks radiation on Earth through an array
of antennas, has found an extremely low frequency signal at phi, or 1.618033
Hertz, or cycles per second. Their site says the following:
"This chart indicates the detection of signal bursts
with a frequency of 1.618033 hertz. This frequency, sometimes called the
Golden Ratio. These
signals appear with no clear relationship with any known source. They are
not related to solar anomalies or any known weather pattern. They do vary
in amplitude or intensity and are irregular with their timing. We will
continue to monitor this frequency and will display the result. These
signals have been detected on a global scale and are of extreme interest."
The ELRAD site continues:
"The universe is composed of an infinite number
of frequencies. Some macroscopically large and some microscopically
small. All exist in uncountable phase relationships with one
another. The colors of light, the sound of music, the smell of
flowers, the touch of velvet, all are made of combined frequencies.
Some are in phase and adding to, some are out of phase and cancel
from, a multitude of vibrations. Our five senses are capable of
interpreting these particular waves and making them tangible to our
perception. Acoustic, seismic, and electromagnetic signals, both
natural and artificial, surround us and are a part of our environment.
The source of these signals, both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial,
and their content is of extreme interest to our research."