The Divine Proportion and Life
The design of life is based on a "Golden Ruler™"
It has long been known that the Golden Section, or Divine Proportion, appears in
certain proportions of living organisms. In 1997, I began to wonder how universal
this was and how far it could be applied. I took a golden section of a line not just
once, but many times, to form what I like to call the "golden ruler," shown as
First, take a line and divide it so that the proportion of
(B) to (A) is the same as the proportion of (C) to (B):

Divide the line again and again in the same way:

Combine the segments to create a measuring stick or "Golden

This appears in the proportions of many life forms:
The Golden Ruler™ can be expanded to a Golden Grid™
You can take the process another step further by creating a "Golden
taking it from one dimension to two dimensions:

This approach can be used to explain the physical proportions of many life forms, but
the most beautiful application is found in humans:

It appears that this "golden ruler" is a common, if not
universal, metric in the design of living organisms. Try it
on the Do It Yourself page! |