The Golden Proportion is analogous to God's relationship
to creation
The Golden Section, found throughout nature, also has an
application in theology, in understanding the relationship of God to Creation. In the golden section, we see that there is only one way
to divide a line so that its parts are in proportion to, or in the image
of, the whole:
The ratio of the larger section (B) to the whole line (A) is the same as the ratio as the smaller
section (C) to the large section (B):

Only "tri-viding" the whole preserves the relationship to
the whole
And so it is with our understanding of God, that we are
created in His image. Not by dividing the whole, but only by
tri-viding the whole does each piece retain its unique relationship to the
whole. Only here do we see three that are two that are one.
The Book of John begins with these words that capture the
essence of this:
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
Jesus, in John 14:9, expressed a similar thought:
Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.
Here the human Jesus (the Son of Man)
is to the divine Jesus (the Son of God) as the
divine Jesus (the Son of God) is to God (the
Father or whole).
The Golden Section as a universal constant of design
The teachings of most religions express the thought that
part of God is within each of us and that we are created in His image.
The pervasive appearance of phi throughout life and the universe is believed
by some to be the signature of God, a universal constant of design used to
assure the beauty and unity of His creation.
(For more on evidence of Divine creation click HERE.)