I find your web page very interesting. Like
so many pages on the web it is motivated by personal motive. Of course
this is not a bad thing in itself but the slow and mathictical steps
that it takes you through have a very profound affect on the developing
psyche, through the use of a method known as false logic. To understand
the concept of false logic I recommend you read "Alice's Adventures
in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. You see, I understand
evolution to the extent that science has developed up to now. But most
of your readers do not. So the up shot of all this is that some may not
be able to identify your logic faults. Many of the statements made by
your page are perversions of the perceptions that are held in the
current scientific paradigm. I will only use one example to save time.
But please remember that your web page is full of these
miss-interpretations of science.
We're taught that life is the result of chance and natural
adaptation, but is this the truth, or is it just a "fact" that
suits our limited understanding of life?
If evolution occurred, is it really the source of life's creation or
is it God's process of creation?
Is there any scientific evidence or basis in reason which proves that
DNA is a result of chance rather than a creation of the Divine?
Could evolution be little more than a myth for the 20th century?
The purpose of this statement and following statements is to lead the
reader to the conclusion that evolution is not true. Look, we know that
paradigms shift! We become more informed as this happens.
On your web page you claim that the fractal formation of mater proves
that life did not evolve but was instead created by the all mighty. The
patterns that you claim are this divine language are found through out
the universe. What an old and worn out argument using false logic. Order
implies a possibility of a designer but does not prove a thing. We all
want so bad to believe that we will live forever that anything that
might disturb our fragile belief system becomes dangerous or at worst
We know (using something called the scientific method, look it up)
that the population of a species with a certain mutation that benefits
it in its given environment is more likely to reproduce and therefore
pass on this genetic information to the next generation. This increases
the population of a given species of life forms with that mutation. This
slow process is what creates the diversity we see on earth. This is well
understood. New life forms are being created every second. Yet your web
page claims the contrary.
So next time you grab for your anti bacterial soap to wash that strep
off your hands, just remember that . . . There might be one mutated /
resistant bacteria in the bunch. It will survive and reproduce
on your hands, perhaps enough to give you a very dangerous form of strep
that will be your doom. Ain't evolution grand?
I don't know if there is a loving god watching over us. But I do
know, your misinformation campaign is a subversive attempt to steer
people back to religions like Christianity.
Here are some FACTS about Christianity that I am sure you already
know but just didn't truly think about (Or maybe you did).
The church needs money to continue, this means new converts are
needed. The church decreed that the earth was the center of the
universe. The church decreed the church was the center of the earth. An
astronomer claimed he saw moons orbiting around another planet and not
around the earth showing that the earth was not the center. They locked
him up to shut him up until he died.
How do you feel about that? A human life, Genius, gone. Look it up,
it is in the history books.
Your page is nothing more than an attempt to continue the churches
age old efforts of keeping the people in the dark ages for
profit/power/ego. Our knowledge is ever growing. We may find that there
is a God(I hope so). But if this god were to see your distortion of our
understanding for the purposes of profit/power/ego, I think it would be
most displeased.
Well who are you then, hmmm? What corporate church do you
represent? When John the Baptist was sacrificing lambs at the
Temple, do you think he wondered if two thousand years later they would
call animal sacrifice Satanic? The Lamb of God, Your Christ, is nothing
but an evolved form of this "Satanic" ritual. To better
understand this please read your "Holy Bible" by Lots of Men.
My how truth has evolved.
To better understand yourself in relationship to what you call TRUTH,
I would recommend that you read the book "Origin and Evolution of
Religion" by E.Washburn Hopkins, Ph.D., LL.D. Published by the Yale
University Press. 1923
I would challenge you to post this letter on your web page. Let us
see how your readers would be affected by this kind of information.
Perspective is nine tenths of reality. |
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my
site. I'm quite happy to make changes to the site on anything that
is incorrect, and have done so in the past. What I ask though is
that any new information be backed with solid reason and scientific
evidence, not just conjecture, interpretations or rationalizations
developed to support a particular belief system.
It's difficult receiving a letter like yours. You talk down to
me, smugly implying that all I need do is read a few books that you
have read and think things through like you have. You are judgmental
about my motives when you don't even know who I am. What's difficult
about this is that the natural human reaction is to lash back but
I'm hoping instead for my site to be a catalyst to opening
discussion and seeking answers with a humility for how little we
really understand about life. I want to come to a higher level of
understanding between us, and I want to do it with respect for you.
About an hour after I received your e-mail, I received one that
said this:
"I'm a pastor who majored in physics in college, and worked
in technology for decades before becoming a believer and later a
pastor. I've seen plenty of Christian sites about science and
evolution and most of them are well-intended but don't pass muster.
You've done a fine job. Thank you."
This certainly doesn't mean he's right and you're wrong. It's
clear that both of you are intelligent and yet you come to
completely different conclusions about my site. Why is that? Isn't
it too simple, perhaps even too arrogant, to assume that he, I and
millions of others are backwards simpletons and that you've got all
the answers? Could it be instead that we've simply experienced
something that you haven't yet and that this affects the way we see
things? You're quick to point out what you consider to be false
logic in my site, but seem to gloss over what seems to me to be
blatant false logic in making your case. You cite ONE instance where
the church screwed up in its persecution of Galileo, try to make me
feel guilty about it as though I support it in some way and then try
to expand that to conclude that anything related to the church is
founded in evil motives of profit, power and ego. You're creating
your own strawman and then burning him, because nowhere in my site
do I try to plead a case for the church always being right, or even
the church for that matter. My site is about seeing and seeking God.
Even so, you're ignoring the fact that church has been a supporter
of the sciences and many important scientific discoveries through
the ages were made by monks, priests and dedicated men and women of
faith. How many other instances of the church persecuting science
can you cite? Also, it wasn't just the church against Galileo, but
many of his fellow scientists as well. Should we similarly condemn
all of science for that, or even more so for the hoaxes of
"science" such as Piltdown Man? You picked out one
isolated example and tried to draw conclusions about the whole from
it, and probably didn't even realize you were doing it. That's, OK.
It's human. But why does that happen? I think it's because of this:
We all easily believe that which we wish to be true. You want to
believe in evolution, so you see variations in bacteria as
conclusive proof of it. I have doubts that evolution accounts for
all we see, so I in turn question whether this is any proof at all,
since it's still a bacteria. With all this supposed bacteria
"evolution" going on, I ask instead if we have observed
any bacteria becoming a multi-celled organism which is on its way to
forming new life functions such as leaves, roots, fins, wings, eyes,
etc. In a million years do you expect these bacteria will be new
orders of life such as mammals, fish or birds or, based on what you
observe happening, will they just be different bacteria? I ask
instead if you can even explain with evidence and reason how a
single-celled bacteria came into existence, with the dozens of
interdependent systems required to qualify it as "living."
Can you really tell me how this happened, or have you just accepted
conjecture as to how this might have happened in order to support
your beliefs?
The problem I see is that our beliefs about God are a major
influencing factor in how we interpret everything else around us.
The pastor referenced above and I have had experiences well into our
adult years that brought us, as non-believers, to a faith in God, a
God with whom we now have a personal relationship. What causes that
to happen? Is that in itself an evidence of God? I don't represent
any corporate church, as you implied. I'm just one guy whose life
was changed by something, someone, that I can only attribute to God,
and I'm just hoping to help others to seek the same experience.. I'm
certainly not making any profit doing this, unless you want to count
about $50 of commissions I've received in the past year from Amazon
from my books reference page. It costs more than that to run this
site and certainly isn't compensation for all the hours that go into
it. There's no power involved. Ego? I'm just humbly trying to
interest others in seeking on both sides of this issue because I
believe that today's "science" about evolution is filled
with much of the same false logic, egos, pride and profit that you
see in religion. People are people and they all have the same
failings, no matter whether their Ph.D.'s are in microbiology,
paleontology or theology.
All I can offer to you is that my life experience has led me to
change my beliefs and I think that anyone who is honestly willing to
put aside their ego and humbly seek God one-on-one will find Him. My
site isn't intended to be a proof of God, for only God can prove to
you that He is there. My site is just intended to open the door to
that pursuit. I have another site that goes into more of my personal
experiences and perspectives on this at "Snapshots
of God."
You are welcome to visit. I wish you the best in your search for the
truth. Let me know if I can be of help.
Best regards,