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As noted on my letters page, the positive letters I receive are normally quite brief while the negative are quite long.  Some letters are intellectually challenging, while others are downright mean.  Below are some of the letters I've received and the responses I sent.

Do my responses mean I'm right and those who wrote are wrong?  No, not in the least.  I only hope to demonstrate that many of the views held against God are not based in fact or true understanding and that reason and faith can work together to present a view that is at least as reasonable as a view based in reason alone.  You are also welcome to read my more personal experiences and perspectives on this at another site I call "Snapshots of God."

May you be challenged to earnestly seek your own answers on both sides of this issue, seek your own life experiences that lead one to know both faith and reason, and make your own decisions.

File sizes are provided to give you an idea of what you're getting into before you start.

"A hefty serving of food for thought." 134 kb
The definition of ignorance. 23 kb
The definition of superstition. 14 kb
Thinking outside the box? 10 kb
What's God got to do with it? 37 kb
Don't I know that God died in 1776? 11 kb
A heads up (my colon) approach! 6 kb
Galileo's dead, and it's MY fault! 16 kb
Real scientists don't believe in God. 53 kb
Thomebody Mything the Point? 8 kb
Make atheism, not war? 6 kb
Is evolution atheistic or non-theistic? 15 kb
"I'm PROUD to have descended from slime" 33 kb
KICS (Keep it complicated stupid) 7 kb
Numbers say the darnedest things! 7 kb
Isn't God pro-science? 11 kb
Dishonest or sloppy?  What's option number 3? 10 kb
Is faith in reason still faith? 127 kb

Copyright 1997-2002, The Evolution of Truth